
The peculiar Jadar block has an intervening position separating the main Neotethyan West Vardar Zone (including ophiolites of Late Jurassic age) and a passive margin lithospheric segment of the Apulia/Adria microplate referred to as the Drina-Ivanjica block. The review aimed to reassess the peri- Neotethyan paleogeography affecting the evolution of the Neotethyan oceanic crust (?single? vs. ?multiple oceans? or single- vs. two ophiolite belts) by juxta - posing the key differences of the late Variscan temporal evolution (controlling early Alpine paleogeography) between the Jadar block and Drina?Ivanjica crystalline segment. The study goal is the questionable paleogeographic affinity of the Jadar block. Contrary to the recent inferences attributing the Jadar block as a segment of the Apulia/Adria microplate, the study examine whether and how the Jadar Late Paleozoic succession may allow for an alter - native paleogeographic solution of the Neotethyan relevance. According to this comparison survey of these late Paleozoic successions, it appears that the Jadar block may carry a (tentative) evidence of the proximity of the western Paleotethys. The comparison yields a putative paleogeographic position as - sociating the Jadar block with the post-Variscan European margin (not ?pulia/Adria microplate). The proposed shift of the Permian-Triassic paleo - geographic position of the Jadar block inevitably affects the obduction length i.e. questions a favourable protracted along strike-width of the overriding Neotethyan West Vardar ophiolites (?single ocean model?).


  • Introduction and problem statementVariscan – Eocimmerian setting

  • 2019; SPAhIć et al, 2020), a successor of the late placed by a microplate-microplate collision allowing a rearrangement of the original Neotethyan configuration by juxtaposing the aforementioned thick-skinned fragment along the mildly deformed Jadar block of intriguing paleogeographical affinity (European or African?)

  • The current controversial paleogeographic models of the investigated NE segment Apulia/Adria indenter revolve around the emplacement of the cross-lithospheric hanging wall mainly comprised of the West Vardar ophiolites, positioned above the two distinctive assemblages referred to as the Drina–Ivanjica block and Jadar terrane. mainstream explorers impose the model of extended across strike-width of the Jurassic oceanic crust (West Vardar ultramafic massifs), fingerprinting a single Neotethyan ocean (‘single ocean’ model; e.g., SChmID et al, 2008; mAffIoNE & VAN hINSBErGEN, 2019). earlier, dominantly local authors favour several Peri-Neotethyan oceans or ‘multiple oceans’ model (e.g, ChANNEL & koZur, 1997; DImITrIJEVIć, 2001; kArAmATA, 2006; fAITh et al, 2017)

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Introduction and problem statementVariscan – Eocimmerian setting (sensu ZuLAuf et al., 2018; SPAhIć et al, 2019; see fig. 1 for the tectonicThe late Alpine underthrusting and accretion of units). Јадарски блок се налази између главног дела некадашњег Неотетиса или Западне вардарске зоне и Дринско-ивањичке пасивне маргине која припада Апуљско-jадранској микроплочи.

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