
The article deals with recommendations improvement for substantiation of requirements for the values of quantitative indicators of unification in requests for proposals for research and development works (R&D) on the development of samples of armament and military equipment (AME).
 Previously, it was proposed to substantiate these requirements on the basic unification level, taking into account the coefficients of factors that influence the level of unification, recommendations for their determination were given, but the coefficients of factors were adopted the same for all influencing factors.
 To achieve this goal, a group of five experts from the State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification was formed. The experts were provided with a matrix questionnaire in which they had to provide evaluations of seven identified influencing factors by pairwise comparing of their significance. To increase the reliability of evaluation and eliminate errors, the survey was conducted twice. According to the results of the questionnaire, the ratings of the significance of the influencing factors were determined, which ranged from “+4” to “–3”.
 Taking this into consideration, the previously determined values of the coefficients of factors that influence the level of unification were adjusted and amounted to:
 for favorable factors: from 1.143 to 1.476;
 for adverse factors: from 0.524 to 0.809.
 The calculations of the value of repeatability factor at the basic level of unification of 70% on the example of tests of individual samples of AME were obtained. The results ranged from 68% to 79%.
 The analysis of the comparison of the unification level with the results of calculations in the previous work revealed that the changes are generally small (from 1% to 3%), but became closer to the results obtained in the tests in 80% of cases.
 The results of the study are recommended for use in practice during the setting of requirements in requests for proposals for research and development works on the development of samples of AME.

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