
The world practice of creating and modernizing specimens of armament and military equipment envisages carrying out numerous tests, checks and evaluations of the current technical conditions throughout the life cycle.
 The task of organizing and carrying out of tests, in particular mechanical, electrical and climatic, at the State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification is entrusted to the scientific research laboratory that is a part of the scientific and technical complex of measurements of the Institute. Currently, the laboratory is not fully equipped with modern testing equipment. Therefore, the task of justification of the ways of development and providing the laboratory with test equipment for conducting mechanical, electrical and climatic tests of armament and military equipment specimens is urgent.
 The purpose of the article is to determine the perspective ways of development of the laboratory-testing facilities of the State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification taking into account the modern development of armament and military equipment specimens.
 During the research general scientific methods of processing and systematization of information, in particular system analysis and synthesis of organizational and technical systems were applied.
 The peculiarities of the organizing and conducting mechanical, electrical and climatic tests at the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine were analyzed.
 It was established that the basis of testing, in addition to legislative acts and technological normative documents, is the availability of a modern laboratory testing base, since without the means of measurement and testing it is impossible to ascertain the stability, sustainability and durability of armament and military equipment specimens to the influence of external factors.
 The proposals for the purchase of the test equipment for ensuring tests in the direction of mechanical, electrical and climatic tests of State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification are given.

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