
Utilization of sewage sludge is becoming one of the biggest environmental problems.One of the possible solutions is application of sludge to soil amendment. Sludge is a goodnatural fertilizer due to high concentration of organic carbon and nutrient elements (N, P).On the contrary, sewage sludge also contains heavy metals and may be contaminatedwith enteric parasites. Thus application of sludge to land could result in contamination ofsurface and ground waters and including trace metals in the food chains due tocontamination of plants grown on sludge amended soils. Hence land application of sludgeought to be carefully monitored and follow stringent regulations, which are often difficultto fulfil. However, if sludge is applied to reclamation of degraded post-industrial lands,waste deposition sites, landfills and formation of soil-like surface layer on soil-lessgrounds, the restrictions are not so stringent and easier to fulfil than in cases when cropsare grown on sludge amended soils.In the article reclamation of a phosphogypsum deposition site in Wislinka near Gdanskusing sewage sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is discussed.Phosphogypsum deposit in Wislinka for many years has been one of the biggestenvironmental problems of the region, causing permanent complainants from localcommunities. Reclamation of the deposition site started in 1999 and has been continuedup till now. Covering of the slopes with a layer of sludge reduces dangerous wind erosionof dust and promotes plants succession.

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