
The source of the traditional Kazakh saying (sөzsaptam) is fiction. Each individual text in a work of fiction is a synthesized expression of a certain idea as a result of the process of speech generation. The text is the result of the “laboratory” of linguistic activity, linguistic knowledge. The text also depends on the vocabulary of the writer. Therefore, knowing the system of words in a text is the same as trying to recognize the ways in which ideas are formed. On the other hand, thinking is a combination of words and phrases. Therefore, the article examines the main categories of text linguistics, such as coherence and integrity in G. Musrepov’s stories.The text obtained as a fundamental component of word formation is considered not as a random set of any sentences, but as a unit of word formation organized in semantic, logical, grammatical terms. In word formation, the units that make up the text are connected to each other from the linguistic side, paying attention to the beginning, development, and ending of thought. This is also important for word formation, although it refers to the norm of the text, since word formation controls the question of where, in what place, in what environment, it is appropriate, appropriate to use not a single word, but the whole text as a whole. Determining the norm of word formation by considering the norm of the word, the text relating to the object of linguistic and speech culture, stylistics, linguistics of the text is also one of the upcoming tasks.

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