
Since the adoption of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963, the first important occasion for their application to a case between two Members of the United Nations is the Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran.1 The case was brought to the Court in the form of an Application by the United States of America on 29 November 1979 instituting proceedings against the Islamic Republic of Iran in respect of a dispute concerning the situation in the United States Embassy in Tehran and the seizure and holding as hostages of members of the diplomatic and consular staff in Iran. By a letter dated December, 1979, transmitted by telegram by the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Iran, the position taken by the Government of Iran was set out with respect to the proceedings, maintaining inter alia on various grounds that the Court could not and should not take cognizance of the case. It is to be noted that Iran did not appoint an agent, nor did it appear in the proceedings before the Court at the hearing on 10 December 1979.

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