Microprocessor design has recently encountered many constraints such as power, energy, reliability, and temperature. Among these challenging issues, temperature-related issues have become especially important within the past several years. We summarize recent thermal management techniques for microprocessors, focusing on those that affect or rely on the microarchitecture. We categorize thermal management techniques into six main categories: temperature monitoring, microarchitectural techniques, floorplanning, OS/compiler techniques, liquid cooling techniques, and thermal reliability/security. Temperature monitoring, a requirement for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM), includes temperature estimation and sensor placement techniques for accurate temperature measurement or estimation. Microarchitectural techniques include both static and dynamic thermal management techniques that control hardware structures. Floorplanning covers a range of thermal-aware floorplanning techniques for 2D and 3D microprocessors. OS/compiler techniques include thermal-aware task scheduling and instruction scheduling techniques. Liquid cooling techniques are higher-capacity alternatives to conventional air cooling techniques. Thermal reliability/security issues cover temperature-dependent reliability modeling, Dynamic Reliability Management (DRM), and malicious codes that specifically cause overheating. Temperature-related issues will only become more challenging as process technology continues to evolve and transistor densities scale up faster than power per transistor scales down. The overall objective of this survey is to give microprocessor designers a broad perspective on various aspects of designing thermal-aware microprocessors and to guide future thermal management studies.
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