
AbstractThe current review highlights the nutritional values, phytochemical profile, and health‐enhancing characteristics of figs (Ficus carica L., family Moraceae). Ficus carica is one of the oldest fruit trees. The fruit has been appreciated as food and for its biomedical properties since ancient times. Ficus carica contains essential bioactive compounds that enhance health. The plant is characterized by unique compounds in all parts (peel, pulp, leaves, seed, and latex) besides primary nutrients (fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals). Ficus carica is rich in bioactive secondary products such as flavonoids, furanocoumarin, anthocyanin, pectin, and phytosterols, contributing to many health benefits. Bioactive phytonutrients found in fig are used as antioxidant and antidiabetic agents due to the presence of specific functional groups that control diabetes. The health‐enhancing effects of fig, including anti‐tumor, anti‐inflammatory, and anti‐osteoporosis, are related to high levels of minerals essential to bone health and their benefits on Alzheimer's disease. All parts of Ficus carica have been used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, especially wound healing. In addition, Ficus carica has many uses in food items as a colorant and a preservative. To the best of knowledge, there is a lack of reports discussing the biochemistry, bioactivity, and medicinal traits of Ficus carica and the plant parts. This review gathered scientific information regarding the chemical profile, biological traits, and different uses of Ficus carica.

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