In the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Sicence and Technololgy (JAMSTEC), a project to develop new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is being planned, which will have the capability to cruise long distances over several hundred kilometers. Achieving acoustic communication with such a long-range AUV, even at a low data transmission rate, will be important. Time reversal is an attractive solution for such a long-range communication, by converging multipath signals and decreasing intersymbol interference (ISI). Thus, we have researched on time-reversal communication in the deep ocean, have proposed a method of combining time reversal and adaptive equalization, and have executed various at-sea experiments in the deep ocean. In the first experiments, both active and passive time-reversal communication were performed at the range of 10 km and it was shown that time reversal could enable communication under many multipath interferences. The subsequent experiments were carried out in various ranges for passive time-reversal communication. In our latest trial, communication at the range up to 1,000 km was demonstrated at the data rate of 100 bps at the frequency of 500 Hz. In this paper, the results of these experiments are described.
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