
In 1924 at the invitation of Dr. Garson, the official delegate of the British Association, I attended the French Congress for the Advancement of Science, which was being held at Liège, and at his request took over for exhibition a large number of flint implements from various parts of East Anglia. I was much struck by the great interest taken in the exhibits, many of these English examples being apparently new to the audience. A desire was expressed by more than one of the professors present that they could oftener have the opportunity of examining typical tools from this country.While at Liège I paid a visit to the Archaeological Museum, and also to M. Hamel Nandrin's private collection, with its stores of Neolithic specimens from the ateliers of Sainte-Gertrude, Holland, and this impressed me with the necessity of having examples of tools from Continental sites more conveniently at hand in England for reference and comparison than they are at present. I therefore determined to make an effort to secure for home study, some of the abundant spoil from the Sainte-Gertrude workshops.

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