
Over the past decade low voltage scanning electron microscopy (LVSEM) of polymers has evolved from an interesting curiosity to a powerful analytical technique. This development has been driven by improved instrumentation and in particular, reliable field emission gun (FEG) SEMs. The usefulness of LVSEM has also grown because of an improved theoretical and experimental understanding of sample-beam interactions and by advances in sample preparation and operating techniques. This paper will review progress in polymer LVSEM and present recent results and developments in the field.In the early 1980s a new generation of SEMs produced beam currents that were sufficient to allow imaging at low voltages from 5keV to 0.5 keV. Thus, for the first time, it became possible to routinely image uncoated polymers at voltages below their negative charging threshold, the "second crossover", E2 (Fig. 1). LVSEM also improved contrast and reduced beam damage in sputter metal coated polymers. Unfortunately, resolution was limited to a few tenths of a micron due to the low brightness and chromatic aberration of thermal electron emission sources.

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