
Summary form only given. The paper presents status of experimental research and ongoing development for a number of charged particle sources and plasma guns developed in joint research team from Tomsk, included Plasma sources laboratory (HCEI), Plasma emission laboratory (TUSUR) and small business company ELION LTD. This work was made in close collaborations with several research groups both Russian and worldwide, such as ITEP, Moscow, IAP Nizny Novgorod, LBNL, Berkeley and BNL, Brookhaven, both USA, GSI-Darmstadt, Germany, and some others. Plasmas for all kind if the sources are generated in cold wall electrode (filament-less) discharge systems: cathodic spot vacuum arc, low pressure arc, crossed ExH discharges and hollow cathode glow. The following plasma equipment with its application areas are reviewed: upgraded vacuum arc ion sources to produce especially multiply charged high current ion beam for heavy ion accelerators and surface treatment technology; gaseous ion sources and plasma guns based on hollow cathode glow with external electron beam injection to extend working pressure range for surface cleaning and activation before and during thin film deposition; plasma cathode dc electron guns based on reflected ExB discharge for e-beam welding and e-beam metal powder cladding; plasma cathode dc electron guns based on hollow cathode glow to produce electron beams of cylindrical and ribbon shapes at fore-pump pressure range for plasma chemistry.

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