
This chapter is about recent contribution to model of industrial engineering products which are operated by cooperating systems. Advanced systems operated products use organized cyber units and intelligent sensor networks to control physical units and are referred as cyber physical systems (CPSs). Modeling of CPS is challenging especially because a single model system serves all engineering activities for innovation cycle and lifecycle of a generic product. Purpose of engineering structure can be arbitrary in the advanced industrial practice. In this context, product may serve planned experiments and engineering solution development beyond its production and application. Product model is a system itself and fulfill requirements of theoretically and methodically backgrounded and at the same time experience validated achievements. This model system represents CPS and related production activities, system and resources. Beyond representation and verification of CPS in virtual, new area of research is contextual connections between product model and two physically existing CPSs. These CPSs are the installed product and the system for its production. This chapter introduces recent research results in CPS related engineering model system considering its above advanced features. Main issues are way to system representation in engineering model, extended model of systems operated industrial product, structured driving content model (DCM), integration of engineering related activities around common model system, and outside contexts of DCM.

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