
The article is formulated and systematized with some issues of cruel atitude to animals in the aspect of forensic veterinary examination. It is proved that the main directions of improving the forensic veterinary examination of live animals affected by cruelty or corpses of animals with signs of violent death from cruelty are the development, approval and implementation of regulatory legal acts on forensic veterinary determination of the severity of bodily harm, judicial veterinary examination of live animals, forensic veterinary examination of a corpse of an animal, automation and optimization of the process of registration of results examination, and the use of advanced Information Technologies in forensic veterinary examination. The proposed authors' edition of the definition of “animal cruelty” for the criminal qualification of this offense. The novelty of defenition is what we proposed to consider as a consequence of animal cruelty not only the injury or death of the animal, but also severe damage or other disruption to its health. The content and justified consequences of cruelty to animals that are the subject of a forensic veterinary examination are disclosed. The consequences of cruelty to animals include not only the injury or death of the animal, but also severe injuries or other health problems. It was given a list of injuries (injuries) that are severe and life-threatening to the animal at the time of infliction and threaten the death of the animal; threat of loss, or the loss of any organ or the loss by an organ of its functions. We proposed to indicative list of issues that can be put to the decision of a forensic expert by a court or investigator during a study of a live animal that has been injured from abuse or a corpse of an animal with signs of violent death should be added as an addition to the “Scientific and methodological recommendations on the preparation and appointment of forensic examinations and expert studies ”for their practical use by law enforcement agencies. The qualification of an animal cruelty violation must be taken into account the opinion of the forensic veterinarian on the nature and severity of bodily harm, as well as the causal link between the injuries identified by the expert and the health condition or death of the animal. The criterion for differentiating an administrative and a criminal offense from cruelty to animals is solely the presence or absence of bodily harm, which is ascertained exclusively by a forensic veterinarian.


  • Recent advances in forensic veterinary examination of animals affected by violent attitude

  • It is proved that the main directions of improving the forensic veterinary examination of live animals affected by cruelty or corpses of animals with signs of violent death from cruelty are the development, approval and implementation of regulatory legal acts on forensic veterinary determination of the severity of bodily harm, judicial veterinary examination of live animals, forensic veterinary examination of a corpse of an animal, automation and optimization of the process of registration of results examination, and the use of advanced Information Technologies in forensic veterinary examination

  • The novelty of defenition is what we proposed to consider as a consequence of animal cruelty the injury or death of the animal, and severe damage or other disruption to its health

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Новітні досягнення в судово-ветеринарній експертизі тварин, постраждалих від жорстокого поводження. Розкрито зміст і обґрунтовано наслідки жорстокого поводження з тваринами, які є предметом судово-ветеринарної експертизи. Кваліфікація правопорушення жорстокого поводження з тваринами має враховувати висновок судово-ветеринарного експерта щодо характеру та ступеня тяжкості тілесних ушкоджень, а також причинно-наслідковий зв’язок між виявленими експертом ушкодженнями і розладом здоров’я чи смертю тварини. Ч. від жорстокого поводження; – не розкрито особливостей оформлення й оцінки результатів судово-ветеринарної експертизи тварин. Обґрунтування напрямів вдосконалення судово-ветеринарної експертизи тварин, постраждалих від жорстокого поводження, є актуальним, має теоретичне й практичне значення як в юриспруденції, так і у ветеринарній медицині. Мета роботи – окреслити та обґрунтувати напрями вдосконалення судово-ветеринарної експертизи тварин, постраждалих від жорстокого поводження

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