
The management of cough, a prevalent symptom impacting the quality of life, has undergone transformative developments propelled by recent research. Cough syrups, longstanding components in cough management, have witnessed substantial progress aimed at refining efficacy, safety, and targeted delivery. Modern formulations exhibit innovations in drug delivery systems, heightening bioavailability and allowing targeted drug release. Extended-release preparations and mucoadhesive syrups offer prolonged cough suppression or augmented expectorant effects. The incorporation of innovative compounds introduces diverse treatment options; transient receptor potential (TRP) channel antagonists, targeting cough receptors, prove effective in inhibiting cough reflex hypersensitivity, while anti-inflammatory agents address underlying airway inflammation. Natural remedies like ivy leaf extract, thyme, or licorice gain prominence for their antitussive and expectorant properties. Advancements in understanding cough pathophysiology enable tailored therapies for specific cough types or underlying causes. Specialized cough syrup formulations now address neuropathic cough, chronic cough associated with respiratory diseases, or cough triggered by gastroesophageal reflux, targeting the root causes of cough. This comprehensive review underscores the evolving landscape of cough management, encompassing enhanced formulations, novel compounds, and a nuanced understanding of cough pathophysiology. These advancements signify a paradigm shift in optimizing symptomatic relief and fostering an accelerated recovery process, marking a notable stride towards improving the overall well-being of individuals affected by cough.

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