
Recent advances in computer science have led to many new technologies and inventions that continue to affect our environment. This extensive study highlights some of the most significant computer science discoveries and their possible applications. This assessment begins with AI, which has driven many recent achievements. Cutting-edge machine learning methods, deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, and explainable AI are discussed. AI and adjacent sciences like natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision have led to innovative applications in healthcare, finance, autonomous cars, and smart cities. The second part discusses quantum computing, which promises exponentially increased processing power. Qubits were created by studying quantum physics concepts like superposition and entanglement. These qubits enable quantum computers to tackle complicated problems that traditional computers cannot. The review discusses quantum hardware, error correction, and algorithms and their potential applications. Next, blockchain technology, which has changed data management and security, is examined. Cryptocurrencies and DApps and smart contracts have grown due to blockchain's decentralisation and tamper-resistance. This section discusses new consensus techniques, scalability, and blockchain's use in supply chain management and digital identification. In this study, the Internet of Things (IoT) shows how linked gadgets have changed businesses and customer experiences. IoT, cloud, and edge computing have established an environment for real-time data processing, predictive analytics, and autonomous decision-making. Privacy, security, and standards issues are discussed. Given the growing dangers from malevolent actors in a digitalized environment, the evaluation finishes with cybersecurity advances. This section discusses improved encryption, AI-driven cybersecurity, and quantum-resistant cryptography in light of quantum computing's ability to break standard cryptographic algorithms.

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