
The article focuses on the benefits of studying the ancient cultures by the students of the technical universities. At tertiary level, culture and civilization courses can be used to develop logical thinking and the power of analysis and make students involved in voluntary activities to preserve the national heritage. By comparing the civilisations students are able to put into value the identity of the Romanian people, learn self-respect, have raw models, identify illustrious mentors, learn to take educated decisions and improve self-discipline. The contact with the ancient civilisations makes people rethink the contemporary values, make them rethink how they see history, they can make other comparisons besides the ones with the western civilisations. General knowledge matters because it develops human character and personality, provides better understanding of facts, develop social skills, improves the quality of the people, develops the civic feeling, etc. The cultural factor proves to be a major factor in changing the behaviour of individuals, either at the personal or at the group level, directly influences the employment chances. The study of the classics can help improve people's character and personality by engaging themselves with the works of the great minds of humanity who do not share the same contemporary values. In the process, the students can broaden their perspectives, develop skills that are sought by high-level employers in the public and private sectors. A rich understanding of history and its impact on the present and future is central to effective European leadership and citizenship.

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