
A motorway Razdrto-Podnanos is being built across Rebrnice area in Vipava valley. There is limestone scree material deposed on flysch rocks. Limestone scree is unstable and gradually slides downslopes because of slope inclination, underground water and clayey zones. Clayey zones have been created on the contact between scree and flysch rocks. Material movements can be observed on the surface but they were also measured in wells. Limestone scree composition and reasons for landslides were described in this article.


  • The Rebrnice area extends over the part of the southwest slope of the Nanos, between Podnanos and Razdrto

  • Another consequence of fossil landslides is the mixing of limestone fragments and the fragments of flysch rocks in the second horizon, on the contact between limestone scree and flysch

  • While sliding, weathered flysch rocks mixed with limestone fragments

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Dinamika in vzroki plazenja

Že sam položaj in razprostranjenost pobo~nih sedimentov na Rebrnicah nam da slutiti, da se gru{~i v obliki razli~nih pobo~nih procesov premikajo. Mlaj{a meli{~a pred seboj potiskajo starej{e pobo~ne gru{~e, ki so se med tem ~asom že lahko povezali v pobo~ne bre~e. Drugi vzrok so zaglinjene cone, ki se pojavljajo na meji med gru{~em in fli{nimi kamninami. Pri gradnji velikih vkopov skozi gru{~nate grebene se stabilnost pobo~nih sedimentov nad traso ceste mo~no zmanj{a. Dana{nji premiki velikih mas apnen~evih pobo~nih gru{~ev in bre~ na Rebrnicah so le del plazenja, ki se je dogajalo že v preteklosti. V vrtini VK-2 je premik nastal na globini 26 metrov, v coni mo~no zaglinjenega drobnega gru{~a apnenca. Tudi v vrtini POL-I1 so v coni zaglinjenega gru{~a apnenca in fli{a z vložki rde~erjave gline izmerili premik na globini 26 metrov. Podolgovata oblika drsne ploskve pogojuje nastanek zdrsov po naprej pogojeni drsini, glede na hitrost zdrsa pa jih uvr{~amo med po~asno plazenje. Reasons and mechanism for soil sliding processes in the Rebrnice area, Vipava valley, SW Slovenia

Scree material and breccia
Dynamics and reasons for sliding processes
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