
The Rapid Evolutionary Algorithm Prototyping and Experiment Reporting (REAPER) framework presented in this paper is designed to assist in the prototyping and testing of Evolutionary Algorithms using a MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI). The REAPER framework provides an attractive easy-to-use alternative to current prototyping frameworks for both researchers inside and outside of the Evolutionary Computation (EC) community. The novelty in the REAPER frameworks approach is subject to the proposition that there should be an expansion of the set of criteria rapid prototyping frameworks should meet, to make them easier to use. The proposed expansion includes the current set of genericity criteria, supplemented by the addition of a set of easy-to-use criteria. The REAPER framework is compared to seven state-of-the-art EC frameworks in meeting both the genericity and the proposed easy-to-use criteria. REAPER is the only framework that satisfied all the genericity criteria and proposed easy-to-use criteria. The key attributes of REAPER are illustrated in an example, showing the complete process from the design of the objective function, and prototype algorithm, to the comparative analysis and reporting of results.

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