
Symptomatic thoracic disk herniations can be challenging to treat. Various surgical approaches have been reported in the literature, but the ideal approach is still a topic of controversy. We present a step-by-step surgical video highlighting the utilization of continuous, real-time intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) guidance for thoracic discectomy through a posterolateral approach. The background and rationale for the procedure and a detailed presentation of the sequence of surgical steps are detailed in the operative video. We believe that real-time IOUS can be used not only to gain an understanding of the ventral anatomy and to verify decompression after discectomy but it can also be used in a real-time fashion to guide the maneuvers for discectomy itself. Advantages of using real-time IOUS include real-time monitoring of the spinal cord during mobilization of the disk-osteophyte complex and direct visualization of the dura-disk herniation interface, which may enhance the safety of surgery. The patient consented to the procedure and the publication of her image.

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