
The background of this paper is to apply advanced real-time gait analysis to walking interventions in daily life setting. A vast of wearable devices provide gait information but not more than pedometer functions such as step counting, displacement, and velocity. This paper suggests a real-time gait analysis method based on a head-worn inertial measurement unit. A novel analysis method implements real-time detection of gait events (heel strike, toe off, and mid-stance phase) and immediately provides detailed spatiotemporal parameters. The reliability of this method was proven by a measurement with over 11 000 steps from seven participants on a 400-m outdoor track. The advanced gait analysis was conducted without any limitation of a fixed reference frame (e.g., indoor stage and infrared cameras). The mean absolute error in step-counting was 0.24%. Compared to a pedometer, additional gait parameters were obtained such as foot-ground contact time (CT) and CT ratio. The gait monitoring system can be used as real-time and long-term feedback, which is applicable in the management of the health status and on injury prevention.

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