
The 21st century represents a century in which the world has flourished through technological progress, transforming many businesses in line with digitalization, social networks, and the tendencies brought by the internet generations. In sociological terms, many problems have remained the same despite progress. In this sense, women continue to fight for one of the fundamental human rights - gender equality and non - discrimination against male - female in the social, business and political environment. However, there are many positive examples of women leaders today, presidents of governments and large companies, successful women entrepreneurs, and they dominate in certain branches of the economy. Although care, pharmacy, education, and the like have so far been considered "typically female" professions, the business of intermediation in the sale and lease of real estate is attracting more and more attention of female gender. Whether women dominate such a significant branch of the economy, and why, the author will try to answer by looking at the results and statistics of one of the most developed real estate markets in the world - the real estate market in the United States. Whether women are naturally gifted in the field of mediation in buying or selling real estate or have managed to dominate the market with their professionalism and motivation, are questions that occupy the scientific public, but it is gratifying to see examples of so many successful women in the real estate with amazing careers and results. It can be concluded that it would be commendable if this trend spread over to other branches of the economy, as well as to other countries in the world.

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