
Contents: D.S. McNamara, Preface. Part I: Theories of Text Comprehension: The Importance of Reading Strategies to Theoretical Foundations of Reading Comprehension. A.C. Graesser, An Introduction to Strategic Reading Comprehension. P. Kendeou, P. van den Broek, M.J. White, J. Lynch, Comprehension in Preschool and Early Elementary Children: Skill Development and Strategy Interventions. J. Oakhill, K. Cain, Issues of Causality in Children's Reading Comprehension. M.R. Vitale, N.R. Romance, A Knowledge-Based Framework for Unifying Content-Area Reading Comprehension and Reading Comprehension Strategies. Part II: Using Assessment to Guide Reading Interventions. J.P. Magliano, K. Millis, Y. Ozuru, D.S. McNamara, A Multidimensional Framework to Evaluate Reading Assessment Tools. A. VanderVeen, K. Huff, M. Gierl, D.S. McNamara, M. Louwerse, A. Graesser, Developing and Validating Instructionally Relevant Reading Competency Profiles Measured by the Critical Reading Section of the SAT. Part III: Reading Comprehension Strategy Interventions. D. Fuchs, L.S. Fuchs, Increasing Strategic Reading Comprehension With Peer-Assisted Learning Activities. J.P. Williams, Literacy in the Curriculum: Integrating Text Structure and Content Area Instruction. A.M. Glenberg, B. Jaworski, M. Rischal, J. Levin, What Brains Are For: Action, Meaning, and Reading Comprehension. J.T. Guthrie, A. Taboada, C.S. Coddington, Engagement Practices for Strategy Learning in Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction. A. King, Beyond Literal Comprehension: A Strategy to Promote Deep Understanding of Text. Part IV: Automated Interventions to Improve Reading Comprehension Strategies. M.C. Johnson-Glenberg, Web-Based Reading Comprehension Instruction: Three Studies of 3D-Readers. N. Yuill, Visiting Joke City: How Can Talking About Jokes Foster Metalinguistic Awareness in Poor Comprehenders? B.J.F. Meyer, K. Wijekumar, A Web-Based Tutoring System for the Structure Strategy: Theoretical Background, Design, and Findings. D. Caccamise, M. Franzke, A. Eckhoff, E. Kintsch, W. Kintsch, Guided Practice in Technology-Based Summary Writing. D.S. McNamara, T. O'Reilly, M. Rowe, C. Boonthum, I. Levinstein, iSTART: A Web-Based Tutor That Teaches Self-Explanation and Metacognitive Reading Strategies. B. Dalton, C.P. Proctor, Reading as Thinking: Integrating Strategy Instruction in a Universally Designed Digital Literacy Environment. A.S. Palincsar, R.J. Spiro, L. Kucan, S.J. Magnusson, B. Collins, S. Hapgood, A. Ramchandran, N. DeFrance, A. Gelpi-Lomangino, Research to Practice: Designing a Hypermedia Environment to Support Elementary Teachers' Learning of Robust Comprehension Instruction. Part V: Conclusion. D.S. McNamara, Y. Ozuru, R. Best, T. O'Reilly, The 4-Pronged Comprehension Strategy Framework.

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