
World halal tourism can be relied upon due to its enormous potential from an economic standpoint. Halal to tourism is aimed at providing tourism services that are friendly to Islamic law applications for Muslim tourists. The development of halal tourism experienced the largest growth compared to other types of tourism until 2018 in Indonesia. The development led to increasingly high levels of human resource with skills and competencies in the field of syariah-compliant tourist services. The movement of human resources from conventional tourist services to halal tourist services will result in changes in human resource behavior, and the productivity of halal tourist services. This study will explain the readiness of the Islamic human resources to deal with these changes.
 This study examines the issue of Islamic HR in Sharia Hotels with a sample of 200 employees as respondents. This research uses a qualitative approach, namely the RASCH model and SWOT analysis so that measurements with the Likert scale are more appropriate. Since this research issue has never been studied before and there are not enough variables and constructs available, the authors use an exploratory approach.
 The results of this study indicate that the readiness of Islamic HR in Syariah Hotels as measured by various competencies shows mixed results. Intellectual competence and competency in sharia science were found to be of low category. In addition, anxiety levels and burnout levels are high. On the other hand, Islamic tourism halal tourism has advantages in terms of productive age and high levels of emotional and social competence. The opportunity for Islamic HR management lies in implementing halal tourism standardization, both national and international standards. However, hospitality Islamic hospitality also faces threats, namely an increase in the number of competitors. Therefore, the Halal hospitality industry of the national hotel needs adequate education and training in Islamic human resources, both by relevant government agencies and other stakeholders. This effort is to support the improvement of national halal tourism, especially in the area of ??sharia hotels in West Java.

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