
Inclusive education is regarded as a valuable resource for the development of Russian society. Teachers play a distinctive role in its implementation. The study of this role is based on the principles of structural and functional and systemic approaches, as well as the sociology of education, the sociology of culture, pedagogy, psychology, and the monitoring of inclusive education. The empirical basis of the research was formed by the materials of a quantitative, representative sample and sociological study of the readiness of teachers of higher education institutions to work in inclusive groups, in which students with disabilities are studying. A total of 777 teachers from 23 universities in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Kurgan regions were interviewed in November 2019. The analysis showed that most teachers of higher education institutions support the idea of inclusive education, as well as are ready to work in inclusive groups and have a need for professional training on inclusive higher education. The overwhelming majority of teachers of higher education institutions in the region do not experience any particular psychological difficulties and methodological challenges in working with streams and groups with students with disabilities. Teachers with longstanding teaching experience, associate professors, professors, and people with good knowledge of inclusive education express a greater interest in working with inclusive groups. At the same time, a significant number of teachers of higher education institutions in the region do not support the idea of teaching people with disabilities in inclusive groups. Some teachers are not familiar with or lack knowledge in the concept of inclusive higher education, and they also point to psychological and methodological problems when working in inclusive groups, which is particularly characteristic of young teachers and those who have not taken advanced training on inclusive education. In order to increase the role and responsibility of the teaching staff in inclusive education, it is recommended to continue monitoring it by reaching out to every inclusive group, student, and teacher.
 Keywords: inclusive higher education, monitoring studies, teacher, student, people with disabilities

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