
A systematic study of the effect of phosphine and bis-phosphine ligands in the interaction of NiII, PdII, and PtII complexes with two classes of zinc fingers was performed. The Cys2His2, finger 3 of specific protein-1, and the Cys2HisCys C-terminal zinc finger of nucleocapsid protein 7 of the HIV-1 were used as models of the respective class. In general, phosphine ligands favor the metal binding to the peptide, although the bis-phosphine ligands produce more specific binding than the monodentate. In the case of nickel complexes, the interaction of NiII ions with the sequence SKH, present in Cys2His2, results in hydrolysis, contrasting to the preferred zinc ejection produced by the NiII complexes with chelating phosphines, producing Ni(bis-phosphine) fingers. In the absence of the SKH sequence, zinc ejection is observed with the formation of nickel fingers, with reactivity dependent on the phosphine. On the other hand, Pd(phosphines) produces Pd2 fingers in the case of triphenylphosphine with the phosphine coordinated as intermediate species. The bis-phosphine ligands produce very clean spectra and a stable signal Pd(bis-phosphine)finger. Interestingly, phosphines produce very reactive platinum complexes, which eject zinc and promote peptide hydrolysis. The results reported here are relevant to the understanding of the mechanism of these interactions and how to modulate metallocompounds for zinc finger interference.

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