
The coordination chemistry of an amidinato silylene and germylene toward group 14 element(ii) halides is described. The reaction of the amidinato silicon(ii) amide [LSiN(SiMe3)2] (1, L = PhC(NtBu)2) with SnCl2 and PbBr2 afforded the amidinato silylene-dichlorostannylene and -dibromoplumbylene adducts [L{(Me3Si)2N}SiEX2] (E = Sn, X = Cl (2); E = Pb, X = Br (3)), respectively, in which there is a lone pair of electrons on the Sn(ii) and Pb(ii) atoms. X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and theoretical studies show conclusively that the Si(ii)-E(ii) bonds are donor-acceptor interactions. Similar electronic structures were found in the amidinato germylene-dichlorogermylene and -dichlorostannylene adducts [L{(Me3Si)2N}GeECl2] (E = Ge (5), Sn (6)), which were prepared by treatment of the amidinato germanium(ii) amide [LGeN(SiMe3)2] (4) with GeCl2·dioxane and SnCl2, respectively.

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