
The above maxim makes it evident that human and environment are very closely related and an important part of each other. As human need to interact with environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicine, building materials and many others things, thus, protecting the environment is essential to our health, quality of life and ultimately for survival. Humans have been interacting with the environment since, people first walked the earth. Humans have been cutting down forests to clear land to grow crops and building residents. Later on, with introduction of industrialization during 18th century in the UK and slowly spreading in Europe and America and then across the world. Such industrialization indicates technological intervention in organizations related to agriculture, animal husbandry and agriculture related industries. Much of massive production stated taking place and subsequently, the production of wastes as sewage, agricultural run-off, industrial chemicals etc. also started which leads to pollution. Aim of the Study: The present paper proposes the TOPHI Model to draw a holistic picture of relationship between human and environment. The model focuses upon how each parameter are related itself to human existence with mother nature. The model also tries to provide both positive and negative perspective of these relationship. Finally, the paper also tries to lighten the pathway of sustainable development describing its need for ensure better future. The paper not only provide a comprehensive framework covering all the possible elements of nature and human but also hopes to serve as a base for future study.

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