
Rationale for selection and calculation of the optimal system for the development of the Pechora Sea oil field is an extremely difficult scientific-technical task. Severe climate conditions of the Arctic region, ice cover, well stock formation limits, slow rates of drilling for offshore oil fields, and remoteness from supply bases multiply the cost of projects and create significant difficulties in engineering design the field development system. To solve these problems, one needs to use highly efficient technologies for offshore oil fields development, which will ensure intensive oil production, thus obtaining significant revenues to pay off the expenses. The purpose of this work is to provide the basis for selection as well as calculate the optimum development system for an oil field in the eastern part of the Pechora Sea. The solution of the tasks was carried out on the basis of the features identified in the development of Arctic offshore oil fields, the analysis of geological and physical data on the oil field, a set of theoretical, analytical works, and mathematical modeling. Mathematical modeling was performed using standard and adapted methods for calculating oil field development systems. Based on the data received, it was concluded that it is the linear system of horizontal wells, which is optimal for the field development. Horizontal wells critical and initial flow rate and basic technical indicators have been calculated versus time. The estimation of the discounted cash flow and the discounted profit index has demonstrated that the investment project can be initiated. Since the oil field is now under supplementary exploration, the data obtained in the research can be applied for designing the oil field development system as soon as its industrial exploitation is approved.

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