
The present research featured the level of cross-border water pollution in a resource- type region. In spite of the fact that the cross-border water pollution abatement spans more than half a century of experience, its actions rarely go beyond administrative measures, which is why the problem remains as relevant as before. Nevertheless, all stakeholders are highly interested in solving the issue, which means that the existing measures have to be tested for performance. The issue requires new recommendations on the convergence of various highly effective institutional arrangements. The article presents a rationale for assessment and analysis of the composite indicators of measures aimed at solving the problem of cross-border water pollution. The authors believe that performance should not be confused with the actual solution of the problem, not to mention reaching the goal of sustainable development on a particular territory. The research delivered some practical recommendations concerning the matter of cross-border water pollution in a resource-type region. The recommendations go beyond the scope of administrative management and focus on inter-municipal cooperation and eco-compensation trade schemes.

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