
Food security is a significant part of the national security. Therefore, food security in the first place is a state duty to provide country population with food products in both ordinary conditions and extreme situation (without regard to the existence of either internal or external threat), at a level necessary for human active and healthy life. “Food security is people′s right to get access to the non-hazardous food products which are manufactured with the use of ecologically clean methods and comply with their cultural traditions. Also, it is their right to determine by themselves the directions of their agricultural and product system regardless of the interests of global corporations”. The given article does research into the dynamic of Georgias′ population change (1989-2020) and the share of rural population in the initative population. Also, the decrease tendency in sawn and hurvested areas (1990-2020) and alongside the reduction of agricultural products is considered in the article. In addition, the data of animal husbandry production in 1990-2020 and flactuation in consumer prices have been considered here, as well. The work includes food balance sheets of wheat, vegetables, meat, also the self-sufficiency ratios and average indices on food consumption. The quality of population nutrition determines the development level of country′s economics and social life. At the same time, food security is directly connected with environmental security. And the misuse of land resources causes the deterioration of ecological conditions in the country, lowers the growth rate of agricultural production and provides a background for manufacturing of raw materials and products contaminated by various toxic substances. Under the conditions of modern globalization, where countries′ economic and political relations are intertwined, food security attains the global problem status, and its solving becomes a strategic purpose for any state. Finally, this article considers the importance of rational use of land resources in Georgia for providing the country with food products. Factors forming the relationship of land (soil) usage level and food security are demonstrated, and the main directions for the increase of land usage effectiveness are determined. Keywords: land resources, effectiveness, subsistence minimum, food security, consolidation, economic protectionism.

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