
In this work we investigate the uniform stability properties of solutions to a well-established partial differential equation (PDE) model for a fluid-structure interaction. The PDE system under consideration comprises a Stokes flow which evolves within a three-dimensional cavity; moreover, a Kirchhoff plate equation is invoked to describe the displacements along a (fixed) portion – say, Ω – of the cavity wall. Contact between the respective fluid and structure dynamics occurs on the boundary interface Ω. The main result in the paper is as follows: the solutions to the composite PDE system, corresponding to smooth initial data, decay at the rate of O(1/t). Our method of proof hinges upon the appropriate invocation of a relatively recent resolvent criterion for polynomial decays of C0-semigroups. While the characterization provided by said criterion originates in the context of operator theory and functional analysis, the work entailed here is wholly within the realm of PDE.

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