
In order to identify the technological level of crop production development in the federal districts of the Russian Federation a rating assessment of technological efficiency was carried out using the methodological approach of calculating the Technological Efficiency Index for the period from 2016 to 2020. Each federal district has a rating based on the calculated indices in statics and dynamics for the main crops are cultivated in the country, including grain and leguminous crops, corn for grain, sugar beet, soy, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries. As a result, of the conducted research were obtained the rating assessment for the dynamic index of technological efficiency taking into account the calculation of the average indicator for 2016-2020, the growth rate and the prevailing technological features of the district as of 2020. The obtained results of the rating assessment allowed us to identify the five federal districts of the leaders in the technological efficiency of crop production in Russia. This rating approach can be used in relation to various territorial units and is adapted to any agricultural crops.

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