
This paper aims to dispel the confusion of students related to the knowledge of Rasm and Dhabt al-Quran among students of the Institute of Teacher Education, Sultan Mizan Campus.The confusion arises when they are unable to distinguish between the two disciplines of the Qur'an, namely, writing (rasm) and punctuation (dhabt). This paper solely focuses on the principle of al-hazf, which is one of the five principles in the method of Rasm Uthmani as agreed upon by scholars today. The sample of this study was selected based on the principle of purposive sampling, that is, a sample that is believed to be able to answer the research questions well. The results show that there is no difference in terms of writing in the two mashafs because each was written in accordance with the principles and methods of Rasm Uthmani. However, it is noted that there are differences in terms of punctuation in the two mashafs. The punctuation differences were employed to meet the needs of the readership where the Quran was printed and according to current development then.
 Tulisan ini bermatlamat merungkai kekeliruan para pelajar berkaitan ilmu Rasm dan Dhabt al-Quran dalam kalangan pelajar Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Mizan. Kekeliruan tersebut timbul apabila mereka tidak dapat membezakan di antara dua disiplin ilmu al-Quran iaitu, tulisan (rasm) dan tanda bacaan (dhabt). Tulisan ini hanya memfokuskan kepada prinsip al-hazf, iaitu salah satu daripada lima prinsip dalam kaedah Rasm Uthmani sebagaimana yang disepakati oleh ulama pada masa kini. Sampel kajian ini dipilih berdasarkan prinsip pensampelan bertujuan, iaitu sampel yang diyakini boleh menjawab persoalan kajian ini dengan baik. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan dari segi tulisan dalam kedua-dua mashaf kerana masing-masing ditulis menepati prinsip dan kaedah Rasm Uthmani. Manakala terdapat perbezaan dari segi tanda baca di dalam kedua-dua mashaf. Perbezaan tanda baca berkenaan dilakukan bagi memenuhi keperluan masyarakat pembaca di tempat al-Quran itu dicetak dan mengikut perkembangan semasa.

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