
We report the use of tungsten-halogen lamps for rapid (−10 s) thermal annealing of ion-implanted (100) GaAs under AsH3/Ar and N2 atmospheres. Annealing under flowing AsH3/Ar was carried out without wafer encapsulation. Rapid capless annealing activated implants in GaAs with good mobility and surface morphology. Typical mobilities were 3700–4500 cm2/V-s for n-layers with about 2×1017cm−3 carrier concentration and 50–150 cm2/v-s for 0.1–5xl019 cm−3 doped p-layers. Rapid thermal annealing was performed in a vertical quartz tube where different gases (N2, AsH3/H2, AsH3/Ar) can be introduced. Samples were encapsulated with SiO when N2 was used. Tungsten-halogen lamps of 600 or 1000 W were utilized for annealing GaAs wafers ranging from 1 to 10 cm2 in area and 0.025 to 0.040 cm in thickness. The transient temperature at the wafer position was monitored using a fine thermocouple. We carried out experiments for energies of 30 to 200 keV, doses of 2×1012 to 1×1015 cm−2, and peak temperatures ranging from 600 to 1000‡C. Most results quoted are in the 700 to 870‡C temperature range. Data on implant conditions, optimum anneal conditions, electrical characteristics, carrier concentration profiles, and atomic profiles of the implanted layers are described.

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