
Atrazine mineralization was studied in sediments takenfrom a shallow aquifer underlying a cornfield continuouslyreceiving atrazine and terbuthylazine. In contrast toprevious publications indicating slow or nonexistingmineralizationratesunderdenitrifyingconditionsinsediments,we hereby report on the ability of the bacterium Pseudo-monassp. strain ADP to rapidly mineralize atrazine inaquifer sediments under nitrate reducing conditions. Whenatrazine was present in low concentrations (relevant tononpoint sources such as agricultural application),the bacterium mineralized 55% and 75% of the atrazine in2 and 4 days, respectively. When atrazine was presentin high concentrations (relevant to spill sites), P. ADPmineralized 48% and 78% in 4 and 15 days, respectively.The present study indicates that bioaugmantation with aneffective atrazine mineralizing bacterium such as P. ADPcouldyieldhighmineralizationratesevenunderoxygenlimitedconditions and have a significant implication for biore-mediation of atrazine in contaminated aquifers.

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