
We introduce a refined way to diffusely explore complex networks with stochastic resetting where the resetting site is derived from node centrality measures. This approach differs from previous ones, since it not only allows the random walker with a certain probability to jump from the current node to a deliberately chosen resetting node, rather it enables the walker to jump to the node that can reach all other nodes faster. Following this strategy, we consider the resetting site to be the geometric center, the node that minimizes the average travel time to all the other nodes. Using the established Markov chain theory, we calculate the Global Mean First Passage Time (GMFPT) to determine the search performance of the random walk with resetting for different resetting node candidates individually. Furthermore, we compare which nodes are better resetting node sites by comparing the GMFPT for each node. We study this approach for different topologies of generic and real-life networks. We show that, for directed networks extracted for real-life relationships, this centrality focused resetting can improve the search to a greater extent than for the generated undirected networks. This resetting to the center advocated here can minimize the average travel time to all other nodes in real networks as well. We also present a relationship between the longest shortest path (the diameter), the average node degree and the GMFPT when the starting node is the center. We show that, for undirected scale-free networks, stochastic resetting is effective only for networks that are extremely sparse with tree-like structures as they have larger diameters and smaller average node degrees. For directed networks, the resetting is beneficial even for networks that have loops. The numerical results are confirmed by analytic solutions. Our study demonstrates that the proposed random walk approach with resetting based on centrality measures reduces the memoryless search time for targets in the examined network topologies.

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