
We consider a transient nearest neighbor random walk on a group G with finite set of generators E.The pair (G, E) isassumed to admit a naturalnotion of normal form words which are modified only locally when multiplied by generators. The basic examples are the free products of a finitely generated free group and a finite family of finite groups,with natural generators. We prove that the harmonic measure is Markovian and can be completely described via afinite set of polynomial equations. It enables to compute the drift,the entropy,the probability of ever hitting an element,and the minimal positive harmonic functions of the walk. The results extend to monoids. In several simple cases of interest,the set of polynomial equations can be explicitly solved, toget closed form formulas for the drift,the entropy,… Various examples are treated:the modular group Z/2Z * Z/3Z,the Hecke groups Z/2Z * Z/kZ,the free products of two isomorphic cyclic groups Z/kZ*Z/k7G,the braid group B3,and Artin groups with two generators. KeywordsRandom WalkFinite GroupCayley GraphFree ProductBraid GroupThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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