
Students are taught in an ancient way that has been used for a long time so that new technology learning media are needed that motivate students who are creative and understand the world of robotics. Making robots as a learning tool for robotics based on the FKKS SD/MI Muhammadiyah syllabus in Central Java Province which can train elementary school students' skills in designing, assembling, and programming robots using the Arduino Mega microcontroller which is designed in a simple and attractive way. in one set of robots have various abilities such as transporter robots, avoider robots, and line follower robots. On the transporter robot, the movement of the robot is controlled using a joystick and push buttons to control the gripper. In the avoider robot, the sensor used is the HC SR04 sensor, in the analog line follower robot the sensor used is a photodiode sensor coupled with an LED, the output of the sensor is an analog value which will be compared or compared. This robotics learning media is made to be easily accessible and operated by children, therefore the robot mode options can be selected easily via the LCD and buttons on the robot.

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