
This research reveals the theatrical dramaturgy of realism and its staging strategies. As a dramaturgy study, history, theory, and theatrical conventions of realism are also revealed, from the beginning and development in the West to Indonesia. Furthermore, how a realism theater is created What are the dramatic and artistic tactics carried out by the director to bring the illusion of reality on the stage. This research is a literature review that makes books or other sources of literature the object of research.The results of the study explain that the history of the emergence of the theater of realism in the West is a rejection of the classical theater style that presents gods, fairies, and other mythological creatures. Theatrical realism conventions are themes around social life and psychology; the characters have sociological, psychological, and physiological dimensions; linear plot; settings are made static; absence of symbols; the fourth wall; and catharsis. The dramatic and artistic tactics carried out by the director are based on chaos, a personal experience experienced by the director.Key words: dramatic tactics, artistic tactics, realism, and the illusion of reality


  • Perkembangan seni tidak pernah lepas dari suatu ‘pemberontakan’

  • This research reveals the theatrical dramaturgy of realism

  • by the director to bring the illusion of reality on the stage

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Perkembangan seni (baca: teater) tidak pernah lepas dari suatu ‘pemberontakan’. Sejarah mencatat bahwa sejak teater Yunani klasik sekitar 500 SM sampai era postmodern, perkembangan teater tidak pernah lepas dari pemberontakan estetis. Tema dapat disebut sebagai gagasan sentral dari persoalan yang akan diungkapkan untuk memberikan arah dan tujuan cerita (Dewojati, 2010:171) Perlu dipahami bahwa saat sutradara memilih naskah orang lain, maka hendak digali terlebih dahulu tema naskah sesuai atau tidak dengan tema yang akan digarap. Bisa saja sutradara hanya mengambil tema besar sebuah naskah yang sesuai dengan chaos untuk inspirasi membuat naskah baru, sehingga dapat tergali secara mendalam dramatisasi yang akan dicapai.

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