
Students’ independent-learning awareness in dance practice course in Indonesia tends to be weak. Most students only do learning during class meetings with their lecturers. This research aims to raise students’ awareness of independent learning in dance practice course by optimizing daily assessments needed by students as the basis for self-evaluation in conducting learning outside class hours. Lecturer evaluation notes in this daily assessment format were given to students to be used as a reference in improving the weaknesses of each student’s ability to master the course material of each meeting. This research was conducted with an action research design that implements seven stages of critical and reflective learning in a series of three main stages in action research, namely pre-action, action, and post-action. The participants were 37 students at a university in West Java, Indonesia. The research results showed that students in the dance study program did not yet have high awareness of independent learning. This learning condition has a largely influenced the mastery of the keurseus dance material given in the course. However, through action research, we provided treatment to improve students’ learning methods so that their abilities can be further improved by applying several critical-reflective steps. The results of this research illustrate the effectiveness of teamwork in finding learning solutions for students in finding effective learning rhythms outside of class hours.

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