After the release of the ERA-Interim reanalysis, many changes have been made to the Integrated Forecasting System model and data-assimilation system, resulting in an improved reanalysis, ERA5. One of the changes in the model allows the model version in ERA5 to represent the moisture sensitivity of deep convection more realistically than the model version in ERA-Interim. A previous modeling study showed that this change alone improved the representation of the tropical atmosphere, e.g. tropical variability and precipitation distribution. Here we compare the vertical structures of average temperature and moisture over tropical oceans in ERA5, ERA-Interim and radiosonde observations to see whether ERA5 is also closer to observations for those regions and variables. Our results reveal that at many levels, temperature and relative humidity in ERA5 and ERA-Interim differ from observations, however ERA-Interim is generally closer to observations than ERA5 in the low-to-midtroposphere. Most notably, in many stations, ERA5 is on average colder than observations at ∼550-800 hPa. Large vertical gradients occur in the profile of the mean temperature difference between ERA5 and observations at ∼700-900 hPa, but are absent in ERA-Interim. Relative humidity differences are not as robust as temperature differences, however in many stations ERA5 is on average moister than observations at ∼650-800 hPa while ERA-Interim is closer to observations there. Below the ∼950 hPa-level ERA5 and ERA-Interim are generally colder and moister than observations. Our results indicate that ERA5 deviates more than ERA-Interim from tropical radiosonde observations in the low-to-midtroposphere. It seems plausible that this deviation is, at least partly, due to the newer formulation of organised deep entrainment in ERA5 and the associated mechanism for the moisture sensitivity. However, more extensive model evaluation is needed to understand the reasons for the differences between the reanalyses and radiosonde observations.
IntroductionSeveral improvements have been made in the physical
Several improvements have been made in the physicalDue to their outstanding global coverage, climate reanal- parameterisations of subgrid-scale processes and datayses are used extensively to understand atmospheric proc- assimilation system in the IFS since the release of ERAI esses, yet they depend on the underlying numerical
The main differences in ERA5 compared to ERAI are an increased horizontal, temporal and vertical resolution (0.25 degrees, 1 h and 137 levels in ERA5 and 0.75 degrees, 6 h and 60 levels in ERAI), newer data-assimilation system as well as several improvements in the physical parameterisation schemes
Several improvements have been made in the physical Due to their outstanding global coverage, climate reanal- parameterisations of subgrid-scale processes and datayses are used extensively to understand atmospheric proc- assimilation system in the IFS since the release of ERAI esses, yet they depend on the underlying numerical (see Hersbach et al 2020, and references therein). One model and the choices made in the representations of major improvement is in the formulation of organised subgrid-scale physical processes. 2011) reanalysis dataset generated with a previous ver- ment formulation was replaced with an environmental sion of the same state-of-the-art numerical model (see relative humidity (RH)-dependent entrainment.
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