The DSCOVR mission was designed to take advantage of the first Lagrangian position (L1) to continuously observe the Earth sunlit disk. To facilitate EPIC V03 data product validation and fusion, the EPIC V03 navigation and calibration stability is assessed. The Aqua-MODIS, NPP-VIIRS, and N20-VIIRS based radiometric scaling factors are also provided. The V03 navigation error was 15.5 km, a 50% improvement over V02 and within what can be achieved by an objective image alignment algorithm. Both the navigation accuracy and precision were improved in V03 and were found to be comparable across all EPIC visible channels. The all-sky tropical ocean and deep convective cloud ray-matched MODIS- and VIIRS-referenced EPIC inter-calibration gains are within 0.4% of one-another, and are also within 0.4% of a previous study’s NPP-VIIRS-referenced gains. The inter-calibration study reveals that EPIC bands 5 and 6 degraded mostly within the first year of operation and becoming stable thereafter, whereas bands 7 and 10 were stable during the 6-years record. The capability of the V03 navigation allowed EPIC stability to be monitored using DCC and Libya-4 invariant targets. The EPIC V03 calibration was mostly stable within 0.3% over the 6-years record, as determined from inter-calibration and invariant target monitoring methods. Remarkably, both the DCC- and Libya-4-based methods were able to confirm the stability of the E-8 and E-9 oxygen absorptions—a stability comparable to that of the E-7 and E-10 reference bands. No significant change in the navigation accuracy or calibration stability was observed after the DSCOVR 2019 safe mode incident. The impressive stability of the DSCOVR EPIC L1B V03 channel radiances can greatly benefit the Earth remote sensing community by providing diurnally complete daytime radiative flux and environmental retrievals for future sensors located at L1.
The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), launched on February 11, 2015, orbits the first Lagrange point (L1)—about 1.5 million km from the Earth in roughly the direction of the Sun
The diurnal sampling capability of Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) allows for more robust daily averaged retrievals compared to the capabilities of single daytime sunsynchronous, low Earth orbit (LEO) instruments such as the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
We aim to complete the EPIC V03 navigation assessment initiated by Doelling et al, 2019, which aligned the EPIC coincident images with the well-navigated MODIS and VIIRS (M/V) images
The Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), launched on February 11, 2015, orbits the first Lagrange point (L1)—about 1.5 million km from the Earth in roughly the direction of the Sun. The diurnal sampling capability of EPIC allows for more robust daily averaged retrievals compared to the capabilities of single daytime sunsynchronous, low Earth orbit (LEO) instruments such as the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). This advantage is especially important for maritime stratus regions where morning clouds often dissipate by the afternoon, or for afternoon convective monitoring over land where morning clear skies transition to thunderstorms in the late afternoon. The EPIC diurnally derived broadband shortwave fluxes are consistent with the geostationary imager based broadband SW fluxes derived for the CERES SYN1deg product (Su et al, 2018)
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