Sporophytes of Fossombronia foveolata, Lophocolea heterophylla, Pellia epiphylla, Ptilidium pulcherrimum, and Riella affinis were surgically isolated from host gametophyte tissues and treated with 14CO2. Sporophytes of all five species are capable of fixing CO2 in the light. Sporophyte/gametophyte ratios for 14CO2 fixation/mg fresh weight range between 0.12 and 0.39. Corresponding ratios for chlorophyll content are 1.07 to 3.30. Of the total 14CO2 fixed by excised Lophocolea sporophytes, 40% can be attributed to the photosynthetic activity of haploid spores. Enveloping gametophytic tissues (calyptra and pseudoperianth) inhibit photosynthesis of attached sporophytes by as much as 50%. For sustained growth, sporophytes rely on organic nutrients supplied by the gametophyte: radioactivity of Lophocolea sporophytes increases significantly after application of 14C-glucose to host gametophytes. Surgically isolated sporophytes develop slowly in mineral culture, without significant increase in dry weight. The assumption that hepatic sporophytes are at least partly autonomous with respect to organic nutrition (an assumption that figures prominently in speculation on the evolutionary origin of the sporophyte) is confirmed.
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