The study explores whether racial identity and appearance-based trustworthiness judgments can affect recognition of pain in medical students differing in levels of resting heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of parasympathetic control of the heart. After undergoing HRV assessment, 68 medical students (37 females) participated in a dynamic pain recognition task, viewing video clips of White and Black faces,which differed in perceived trustworthiness based on facial appearance, transitioning from neutral to intense pain expressions. Response time, pain intensity attribution and treatment recommendations were analyzed. Pain was recognized slower and estimated as less intense in Black compared to White faces, leading to a lower likelihood of recommending therapy. Pain recognition was faster for untrustworthy-looking White faces compared to trustworthy ones, while perceived trustworthiness had a minimal impact on the speed of pain recognition in Black faces. However, untrustworthy-looking faces were estimated to express more pain, particularly for Black faces. Notably,thesebiases were more pronounced in individuals with low, rather than high, resting HRV. Considering that therapeutic decisions mirrored pain intensity attribution, it would be important to increase awareness of these biases during medical training in order to promote equity in future pain assessment and treatment.
Published Version
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