
The study of potential racial and gender bias in individual test items is a major research area today. The fact that research has established that total scores on ability and achievement tests are predictively unbiased raises the question of whether there is in fact any real bias at the item level. No theoretical rationale for expecting such bias has been advanced. It appears that findings of item bias (differential item functioning; DIP) can be explained by three factors: failure to control for measurement error in ability estimates, violations of the unidimensionality assumption required by DIP detection methods, and reliance on significance testing (causing tiny artifactual DIP effects to be statistically significant because sample sizes are very large). After taking into account these artifacts, there appears to be no evidence that items on currently used tests function differently in different racial and gender groups. For the past 30 years, civil rights lawyers, journalists, and others have alleged that cognitive ability and educational achievement tests are predictively biased against minorities. That is, they have argued that when test scores are equal, minorities have higher average levels of educational and work performance, meaning that test scores underestimate the real world performance of minorities. Thousands of test bias studies have been conducted, and these studies have disconfirmed that hypothesis. The National Academy of Sciences appointed two blue ribbon committees to study the data from these studies, and both committees concluded that professionally developed tests are not predictively biased (Hartigan & Wigdor, 1989; Wigdor & Garner, 1982). Thus, the issue of test bias is scientifically dead. But for the past 15 years, there have been repeated claims that while tests may not be biased, many individual test items are biased. These claims have spawned major efforts to identify and remove biased test items. These claims are logically inconsistent. Consider the issue of racial bias. If a large portion of items on a test were biased against Blacks, then the test as a whole would be biased against Blacks. Because the test as a whole is known to be unbiased, there must be something wrong with the claim that there are a large number of biased items on the test. The current proposed solution to this logical problem is this: Current claims do not postulate that items are biased only against minority groups. Rather, they say that there are items biased against Whites as well as items biased against

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