BROADLY speaking, relations as a field of sociological interest has been a study of either the competitive and conflict aspects of the situation, the accomplishments of members of the minorities, or of the historical development of relations in this and other countries. Relatively little research and analysis have emphasized the cooperative aspects or the cultural situations in which relations existed but in which as a problem was not a confounding issue. Quite probably this emphasis is a logical part of the sociological heritage of the past when the problem or the Negro problem was the frame of reference. While this emphasis may be valid, there is also some value in observing cultural patterns in which as an issue has been partially resolved. There may be considerable value in knowing about the successful as well as the unsuccessful. In any cultural situation in which race is a matter of attention there are certain relationships between the racial groups which are accepted. While there may be doubt at times in the minds of both the dominating and dominated groups as to just what kinds of relationships are acceptable, there seems to be the general belief on the part of the dominating group, at least, that nothing should be done which connotes equality. The subordinated group is required to do many things separately. These distinguishing requirements include doing apart such activities as consumption of food, elimination of body wastes, school attendance, sitting, use of recreational facilities. The idea of separate but equal facilities usually involves these activities as well as many others. Any attempt to destroy separation or segregation with regard to such differentiating conditions is a point at which one would expect friction, because it is a denial or disruption of deeply rooted behavior patterns. Moreover, it must be observed that any prohibitions, or manifestations of segregation, are a part of a particular culture pattern. Hence, any deviations must be considered in reference to a particular cultural situation. It is in this respect that this report is made. Any significance it has lies in the fact that the situation was a deviation, and in some respects a particularly sharp one, from the previous experience of both the participating members and of the organization which established the conditions herein discussed. New experience, of course, is not difficult, unless the new experience is contrary to one's accepted values. The new situation becomes more difficult when one's ingrained attitudes are contested, when the truth is not only doubted but countermanded. The practices of the United States Army with regard to relations have been widely discussed.' The pattern which usually has been criticized or condoned was that of segregation. Not so widely discussed was the practice of the Army during the latter part of the war and in some areas of following an integration or at least a nonsegration rule. Here we shall seek to evaluate one example of the integration procedure. It deals with
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