
Among the natives of South Africa one would expect a vigorous variety of race consciousness, considering the subordinate status of the native, the exploitation of which he is the victim, and his three to one numerical preponderance over the white man. Actually this is not the case, owing, probably, to the disorganization of native life, native subservience, and the might of the white man. Certain symptoms of this collective sentiment, notably among urban natives,may be observed, the more important being: the shift in the mental attitude toward the white people, as evidenced in the decline of white prestige, and the growing sense of grievance among natives; the sporadic expressions of messianism, the outbreak of riots and strikes, and the rise of culture; and the embryonic religious, economic, and political movements among natives suggest a groping race consciousness. The inevitable penetration of the native into the white world will naturally intensify the racial struggle and ultimately give rise to a vigorous race consciousness among South African natives.

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