
529Relationship of international law and municipal law — Treaties — Treaty not incorporated into municipal law — Whether minister required to take treaty into account — United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992 — Paris Agreement on Climate Change, 2015 — Decision to designate third runway at Heathrow Airport — Airports National Policy Statement — Planning Act 2008 — Whether Paris Agreement taken into account by Secretary of State for Transport — Whether Secretary of State obliged to take Paris Agreement into account in designating Airports National Policy Statement — Directive 2001/42/EC — Whether Secretary of State obliged to refer to Paris Agreement in environmental reportEnvironment — Treaties — Climate change — Greenhouse gases — Paris Agreement on Climate Change, 2015 — Designation of third runway at Heathrow Airport — Whether failure to take Paris Agreement into account vitiating decision to designate third runway — Whether Secretary of State obliged to assess non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissionsHuman rights — Treaties — European Convention on Human Rights, 1950 — Article 2 — Article 8 — Whether failure to take Paris Agreement on Climate Change, 2015 into account constituting unacceptable risk to life and to private life — The law of the United Kingdom

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