
This paper presents a total view of Real-Time Kinematic Precise Point Positioning (RTK-PPP) using the L6 augmentation signal of Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), and introduce its application to autonomous cars as a snowplow example with experimental results. RTK-PPP is one of the today’s most accurate real-time positioning methods. RTK-PPP realizes not only centimeter-level accuracy, but also the first fix within one minute, with integrity information of its user range accuracies. Japanese QZSS has been realizing RTK-PPP service for QZSS Application Demonstration since December 2010 using Centimeter-class Augmentation System (CMAS), which is developed by SPAC. A hundred companies have joined this demonstration until today. Besides, QZSS will commence the practical service named Centimeter Level Augmentation Service (CLAS) since spring 2018 with 4-satellite constellation. Furthermore, QZSS plans 7-satellite constellation in 2023. RTK-PPP fits autonomous cars. It can be said to be a powerful method for autonomous car application.

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